Reconnect with Your Magic and Watch Your Life Change with Nancy McNaughton

Reconnect with Your Magic and Watch Your Life Change with Nancy McNaughton

Would you like to reconnect with your magic?

Did you even know that you have access to magic?

Well you do and today I would like to talk to you about it.

This topic is very near and dear to me because I truly believe magic is innate to all of us. It's not something only a few lucky people have, but rather something every one of us has access to. It’s the spark that makes you unique AND, at the same time, an important part of something much bigger than you.

So many women are feeling lost, disconnected, uninspired or sick and tired of feeling like they are on a treadmill going nowhere fast. These feelings are in large part because they have lost touch with this important part of who they are - this natural piece that most aren't even aware they have access to.

It's time for us all to awaken and take back our power. To figure out what recharges us…what motivates, inspires and invigorates us…and to open our eyes to what we might be doing to hold ourselves back in life.


And that's not just me having a timetable or business idea, but something that is being supported by everything around us - the Universe, the planets, Mama Gaia…everything.

I asked my good friend and retreat co-host, Nancy McNaughton, to join me on this show to help me explain the many different ways reconnecting with your magic can look.

Nancy started us off by sharing what magic means to her and why it can be so difficult to describe.

Magic in itself is constantly changing, so we need to consciously take the time to connect with it. It’s our spirit, our heart, our power. It’s that unique part of us that we need to be in touch with and take the time to stay connected to. How it looks to you is different from how it looks to me and tuning into it is a never-ending process.

A person who is disconnected from their magic might feel overwhelmed, lost, unmotivated, confused, picked on, pushed around, misunderstood… or they might just feel a really strong sense that there is something missing from their life, and be thinking things like…is this really all there is?

Nancy shared her story with us about how her marriage had fizzled out and she ended up leaving it. She realized since this happened that both her and her husband were living a co-dependent life where she wanted her husband to supply the magic. He wasn’t up for that – perhaps in part because no one can fill your life with magic but you – and Nancy made the decision to leave.

Several years ago, my husband and I were really struggling with communicating. We were on different paths. We’ve been married now for 36 years, but 5 or 6 years ago, we fell apart. We could not communicate, we did not know each other.

During that time apart Nancy made the choice to become more aware of who she was and what she needed to truly be happy. To her this was about reconnecting with her magic and learning that she was responsible for how good or how bad she felt.

It was magical though, because what happened for me was I could have been really depressed and dwelling on this or I could reconnect with my magic. And what that means was to enjoy life. To do the things that really made me feel good, like dancing. The focus was on me and I was no longer focused on my husband being my magic. Our separation took me on the journey of finding the magic that was available to me and that was inside of me.

In the end, Nancy and her husband reconciled, but not before seeking some outside help and learning how to build a friendship together.

We ended up getting back together and our marriage is so much more because now I don’t expect him to be my magic, so when he’s not around or he’s ‘in a mood’ I find my own magic.

I think a lot of people can relate to Nancy’s story, myself included.

Relationships take effort, awareness and a willingness to recognize what you might be doing to contribute to the problem. Often, ego doesn’t want to go there and admit that you might be part of the problem, but in truth it always takes at least two to have a disagreement.

Magic Moment:

It’s so easy to think that how you feel – how happy you are or how unhappy you are – is caused by what’s going on around you. In reality however, how you feel in any moment in time is not caused by anything or anyone else. It’s personal to you.

When you recognize your feelings as sign-posts and use them to guide you rather than take them personally and therefore as a reason to be angry, revengeful or sink into victim mode, you can feel the magic start to grow inside of you. This connection is a critical part of your natural guidance system and an integral piece of who you are.

Tune into the showto hear more of our stories as well as our 10 tips for staying connected to your MAGIC

Find out more about our retreat coming up in September 2018 at It will be a very small and intimate group, so if you are interested in this magical opportunity, be sure to head right over and check it out.

When you decide to reconnect with your magic, you will unleash a deeper sense of joy in life. You'll feel more energized and find creativity is abundant. The power of life will flow through you and you will feel more capable, have more self-control and have clarity about your purpose in life.


You'll create deeper more meaningful relationships, laugh more, experience better health and draw more opportunities towards you. All of this and more will become part of your daily experience when you become aware of your magic and learn how to stay connected to it.

Want to learn more about reconnecting with your magic? Join our complimentary facebook group today!

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