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Brief shares (find posters below):

Anything you do that builds trust in a relationship helps to make it stronger. So give genuine compliments regularly @debbiepokornik #vpm

Resiliency is knowing you can handle whatever life throws your way and trusting in that! @debbiepokornik #vpm

Is there a part of yourself u hold back to stay out of the spotlight or make others more comfortable? @debbiepokornik #vpm

Making & keeping promises helps to strengthen a relationship. Breaking promises without making amends weakens it. @debbiepokornik #vpm

How easily do you receive a compliment or gift? When u can’t receive u block the flow of abundance @debbiepokornik #vpm

Yr inner wisdom is not attached to an outcome. You learn from everything so it’s not offended if u choose the harder path @debbiepokornik

Refusing to forgive someone allows them space, rent-free, in your head. Forgivness is a gift u give yrself @debbiepokornik

Notice what yr inner critic is saying and set boundaries for it. Your inner critic is part of you – it must listen to you @debbiepokornik

Left on its own your inner critic will rob you of confidence, vibrancy,  potential & connection to your inner wisdom @debbiepokornik #vpm

Your inner wisdom is like a lighthouse. It will help to guide you, but only if you pay attention to its signal. @debbiepokornik #beingaware

How tight is your elastic and what does that have to do with stress? @debbiepokornik #health #stress

You do not need to learn how to be resilient, you just need to remember that you are @debbiepokornik #resiliency

Breathing deep into yr belly helps you shift to your rest & recharge nervous system –  great things happen there. @debbiepokornik #health

There is nothing good or bad about any event – u assign it meaning with yr thoughts & that determines how u feel @debbiepokornik #wisewords

When u learn to be curious more than reactive u make yr journey an adventure rather than something to be endured @debbiepokornik

Your inner critic and inner wisdom both want yr attention – which do u think would be the better guide? @debbiepokornik

When you live on autopilot you give your power away. When you live consciously you take it back. @debbiepokornik helps every day women create extra-ordinary lives one day at a time.

Linked shares:

How would you like to live a vibrant and powerful life? Check out this podcast for weekly tips & inspiration

A Vibrant, Powerful Mom (VPM) is a woman who refuses to ‘settle’ in life. She wants the best for herself, her child(ren), her relationships…her life. Find out more

A Vibrant, Powerful Mom (VPM) recognizes the importance of self-awareness and uses that information to bring out the best in herself and all those she cares about. Check out my friend, Debbie Pokornik’s podcast, for weekly reminders of how you can live this way.

A Vibrant, Powerful Mom (VPM) is willing to put energy into creating relationships that will weather any storm. She refuses to settle for ‘good enough’ and willingly strives for more. Tune into this fun and inspiring podcast, hosted by my colleague, Debbie Pokornik, and see what it’s all about.

A Vibrant, Powerful Mom (VPM) knows that her relationship with herself creates the foundation for everything she does. She practices assertiveness, forgiving, understanding, acceptance and self-love. Learn more

Listen to Vibrant Powerful Moms on the #1 positive talk radio network Transformation Talk Radio. With an unprecedented distribution to over 90 digital outlets Transformation Talk Radio has become a premiere place for listeners to find solutions to transforming their lives.

 Posters [link]